Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A cruel thought

So a cruel thought crossed my mind.

Sonya was adopted from Korea around the age of two. Now I haven't really made her adoption an issue because we believe in adoption. I don't believe her abusing her mother had much to do with her being adopted. But it does make me wonder if she is a full citizen. Both of the people who adopted her are now dead. One was a little too easy going and the other, Carol would have been the person most likely to have gotten the paperwork in order. So did Carol dot all the i's and cross all the t's for her daughter's adoption?

If not, then is it possible to remove Sonya from the great US of A and send her back to a country where she does not speak or read the language and doesn't respect the culture? That is a crueler sentence than prison.

I wonder this because she doesn't seem to be able to get a checking account, didn't graduate high school, nor has held a normal job. She has also stolen her mother's ID. We know this from getting calls from debt collectors who mentioned an address where we know Sonya lived but Carol never did. So there isn't a lot of evidence in my mind that she is definitely at US citizen.

Maybe she is. Maybe she isn't.

ICE ICE baby

ICE- Immigration & Customs Enforcement

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